Not only beautiful, but also beautifully natural: rebado focuses on sustainable bathroom design

The construction industry is booming and there is a lot of building going on, especially in the private sector. Never before has the choice of building materials been as important as it is today, and sustainable building is reaching record numbers.
The fact that earthly resources are finite and that we should not endanger their long-term availability through our user behaviour is perhaps not the latest insight. What is new, however, is the dynamism and consistency with which this realisation now determines social action. Sustainability is not only one of the megatrends of our time, which has long since permeated all areas of life, but is firmly anchored in all industries. From the energy industry to the construction sector to the manufacturing industry – sustainable solutions that do not upset the balance of the environment are being developed everywhere.
Builders today are looking critically at ecological materials but also regional suppliers. The trend is towards energy-saving houses, and at the forefront of this trend are natural building materials that provide the right living feeling and are environmentally friendly. From masonry to flooring to the roof – modern houses can be renovated and built entirely from natural, chemical-free building materials. Particular attention is often paid to recycled materials or materials that can be easily dismantled later. Great attention is paid to the environmental balance. This also applies to the design of the place where people are more private than probably anywhere else: the bathroom.
„rebado goes along with this trend and presents the environmentally conscious floor and wall tiles „Aspero“ and solves the claim of sustainability in the bathroom“, says Monika Dagrée, CEO On Time PR GmbH. This brings a clear unique selling point in terms of communication and is a decisive sales argument for the end consumer.
Sustainability in the bathroom has a name: ASPERO
With its seamless wall and floor surfaces, the company rebado, from the Bavarian town of Rehau, has set standards for modern bathroom design. But what is perhaps less well known: with its ASPERO wall surface series, rebado also sees itself as a pioneer of a sustainable agenda in bathroom design. ASPERO is a cement-based material that consists of 100 percent natural raw materials and can be fully recycled. It is also free of harmful substances and therefore also suitable for allergy sufferers – it is not for nothing that it bears a Blue Angel, with which the German Federal Ministry for the Environment awards particularly environmentally friendly products and services. In addition, the production of this product requires far less energy than the manufacture of conventional wall tiles. In addition to the numerous practical advantages for bathroom users, such as high scratch, slip and water resistance, ASPERO offers a wide variety of design variants that meet the highest aesthetic demands.
Markus Winning, Director of rebado, says: „Even if each builder ultimately decides individually, one can say that there is a fundamental trend towards sustainable building. And for some time now, this trend has also arrived in the bathroom. Especially in their most private place, people attach more importance than ever to a healthy, natural environment. With our ASPERO wall surface, we are not only among the trendsetters, we are also taking responsibility for our environment.“
Cementing sustainability
With its ASPERO collection, rebado already generates half of its business with wall and floor surfaces, and the trend is rising. However, this is only the beginning. The plan is to gradually expand the range of cement-based materials and solutions. In addition, the company is working hard to constantly increase the recyclate share, i.e. the amount of recycled plastics used for production, in its second plastic-based collection called PERLUNO, and to establish the principles of a modern circular economy together with the producers. In addition, rebado is continuously on the lookout for innovative materials, researching a wide variety of approaches and possibilities. Just how well the company’s sustainability agenda is received by its customers is shown, among other things, by the fact that the company was recently selected to design 300 bathrooms as part of a large hotel project. In this dimension, the idea of sustainability cannot be neglected and naturally plays a particularly important role.
About rebado
Why, was the initial question that rebado formulated in such a provocative and promotionally effective way, does a bathroom always have to be monotonously tiled and criss-crossed with unsightly grout lines? Since its founding in 2018, the company has provided its own answers to this question. The people responsible for rebados have revolutionised the idea of modern bathroom design and established themselves as a provider of customised wall and floor systems with which customers can realise their individual dream of a seamless bathroom. It should be noted that the company sees itself not only as a seller of products. As a modern „bath fashionist“, the company’s aim is rather to provide customers with precisely the solutions, creative ideas and aesthetic choices they need to create their personal oasis of well-being.
The success has been resounding from the very beginning, not only with customers, but also in various top-class design competitions. This is evidenced, for example, by its performance at the German Brand Awards 2020 with awards such as „Newcomer Brand of the Year“ or „Best-of-Best“ in the „Excellent Brands“ category. As if that were not enough, the jury in the „Heating & Bathroom“ category highlighted the company’s outstanding achievements in brand management. In particular, they praised the exceptional approach in an environment that otherwise, according to the jury, lacks the will to differentiate itself from the competition.
Further information on rebado can be found at: on Instagram, Facebook and Pinterest.
For press enquiries, please contact the press contact.
Press contact
Monika Dagrée | on time PR GmbH | Lietzenburger Straße 99 | 10707 Berlin
Tel: +49 (0)30 61 62 73 00 |
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on time PR GmbH
Monika Dagrée
Lietzenburger Straße 99
10707 Berlin
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